Anna <>Patrick <>Durry Tahmas <>
Urgency ImmediatelyWithin 2 hoursSometime todayTomorrow2 days4 days1 weekAt your convenience
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Hello, this is Durry with Manager 4 Less.X
ACCESS TO PROPERTY Is the house now vacant? Did you leave a key anywhere for us to get inside? (FOR ANY QUESTIONS): just email Patrick LATE RENT We noticed there was a small unpaid balance on your account for $XXXX Is it possible to pay for it today? It's that time of the month where we need to disburse the funds to the owner. (IF ANY QUESTIONS): just email Patrick TRYING TO EMAIL YOU Your property manager Patrick has tried to email you but he doesn't get any response. Has your email changed or is it still XXXXX ? If you can contact Patrick by email please. It seems quite important. (IF ANY QUESTIONS): just email Patrick BOUNCED PAYMENT Your last rent payment was reversed. Is it possible to go to your portal and pay for your rent again today? (IF ANY QUESTIONS): just email Patrick RENT WENT UP THIS MONTH The office has tried to email you. The rent went up this month, so there is a small unpaid balance on your account. Can you go to your tenant portal and pay for the outstanding balance today? You may also have to reprogram your auto-pay with the correct amount, so it can collect the exact rent for next month. (IF ANY QUESTIONS): just email Patrick UNPAID BALANCE There is a small unpaid balance on your account for $XXXX Is it possible to pay for it today? It's the time of the month where we need to disburse the funds to the owner. (IF ANY QUESTIONS): just email Patrick YARD MAINTENANCE Your front yard needs maintenance and we were asked by HOA to resolve it. Your front yard needs to be reseeded, fertilized and irrigated. It is a professional work and I understand that you may not have much time for it. Do you need us to refer a landscaper for your front yard? It's super important that you bring the front yard back to shape within a month, otherwise HOA will fine the owner. (IF ANY QUESTIONS): just email PatrickX
Confirmation request
When complete, please report status to Patrick on Whatsapp.
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